Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8/20 Talk iPhone - iPhone News Blog and Forums

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iPhone Sales to Reach 207 Million Units by 2012
August 19, 2009 at 7:35 pm

iPhone Sales to Reach 207 Million Units by 2012

It seems like almost every other day we mention how iPhone sales are going out of control. This new report from RBC Capital takes it to a whole new level.  Last year Apple shipped 13.7 million iPhones and is currently  on track to ship over 22 million units this year. RBC estimates the iPhone trend will continue with explosive growth and increase to over 35 million units shipped in 2010, 54 million units in 2011, and sky rocket to 82 million units shipped in 2012.

Mike Abarmsky from RBC believes the iPhone could become the principal way in which people browse the web, send e-mails, listen to music, watch TV, play games and more. I agree one hundred percent.  It doesn't take hours of research to figure out this is a cool device.

Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

iPhone Sales to Reach 207 Million Units by 2012

Apple looks into "Exploding iPhone" Claims
August 19, 2009 at 10:25 am

Apple looks into "Exploding iPhone" ClaimsLast week we posted an article of an exploding iPhone from Europe and evidently the news reached Apple as well. Today Reuters reports that Apple has begun investigating into these claims. The incident has been deemed "isolated" and Apple is currently digging up details on the possible cause.

Apple Europe released a statement saying "We are aware of these (media) reports and we are waiting to receive the iPhones from the customers. Until we have the full details, we don't have anything further to add."

Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

Apple looks into “Exploding iPhone” Claims


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