Saturday, August 22, 2009

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MobileCrunch Exposes PR Firm with possible Fake App Reviews and Ratings
August 22, 2009 at 12:13 pm

MobileCrunch Exposes PR Firm with possible Fake App Reviews and RatingsToday the App store might have taken another step in the wrong direction with claims of fake reviews and ratings. I woke up this morning and started my daily iPhone News hunt and was completely shocked on a story broke by Gagan Biyani at MobileCrunch.  This definitely is a must read article that tears apart PR Firm Reverb Communications. Reverb is a very well know PR firm that claims to have a "personal" relationship with Apple and represents many successful app developers such as MTV Games, Pangea Software, Outspark, Playlogic, Harmonix and the list goes on. Good representation brings the big dollars home as well with Reverb claiming clients have sold over $2 billion worth of products.

Now here is where it takes a turn for the worst. An anonymous user sent MobileCrunch an "Internal User Review" guideline of ways that Reverb sets out to promote new products on the app store that include:

"Positive reviews – not over the top – but endorsing the game as a good product", "Reviews begin to go live on day of launch on the iPhone storefront", "Release reviews starting at launch as stretch over 14 days from release" and more.

Reverb has responded with a letter that indicates these "unethical practice" rumors are just the work of a disgruntled employee who is violating his confidentiality agreement.  Either way its a huge disappointment to learn the entire rating system on the app store is in question.

Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

MobileCrunch Exposes PR Firm with possible Fake App Reviews and Ratings


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