Thursday, August 20, 2009

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Upload FaceBook Videos with vUpload
August 20, 2009 at 6:37 pm

Upload FaceBook Videos with vUploadFacebook vUpload is a new app released August 18th that allows iPhone 3GS users to quickly upload videos directly to Facebook. While its a good idea, I have a feeling the release is a little to late. The next version of the iPhone FaceBook app "FaceBook v3" has already been submitted for Apple approval and will include this feature. If you are shooting an embarrassing video of your friends and anxious to share it right away then this $0.99 app will get you going. The app does have some cool features such as a very simple interface with all functions on one screen, ability to upload large videos (50mb+),add custom titles, and more.

Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

Upload FaceBook Videos with vUpload

iPhone Camera becomes Flickr's most popular
August 20, 2009 at 2:49 pm

iPhone Camera becomes Flickr's most popular
Who would have thought the most widely used Camera on Flickr would be the iPhone. The Canon Rebel XTi DSLR has been king with a large lead for a while but the past few months it has been on a slow decline.  Canon actually has three Cameras in the top five "Most Popular Flickr Camera" list.  The newer Canon Rebel XSi has been gaining ground and now ranks in third place with the Canon 40D in fifth.  I'm just as guilty and contribute to those rankings. I use my iPhone camera more now then any of my "good" cameras.  I own both a Sony A350 and Sony Point and Shoot and since getting my iPhone 3GS they just don't get the action they use to. Don't get me wrong the iPhone Camera still lacks the quality but having it with me all the time makes it more handy to use. I guess everyone else falls into the same category "More photos with less quality vs Less photos with more quality.


Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

iPhone Camera becomes Flickr’s most popular

Discover the Discovery Channel App on the go
August 20, 2009 at 12:16 pm

Discover the Discovery Channel App on the goThis new iPhone app from the Discovery Channel will have the nerd inside us cheering! The app is pack full of promotional features such as video clips, daily news, photos, stories, quizzes, TV schedules and more. I was a little disappointed in the quality and length of the video clips with most around 2 minutes long. In a pinch or waiting at the dentist office the video quality might be ok for some, but for me it just doesn't cut it. I like watching Storm Chasers in HD and viewing it through the app kills the excitement the show offers. Hopefully this will be improved in future versions. All and all its a pretty cool app and integrates well with iTunes to make it easy to purchase the full episodes. As of today the app receives a rating of 3 1/2 stars which is right inline with what I rate it.

Post from: Talk iPhone 3G

Discover the Discovery Channel App on the go


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